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Congratulations to the 18-1 National team for going 5-3 at the 2019 USA Volleyball Girls Junior National Championships in Dallas, TX!

Congratulations to the following Summit Volleyball Club players who received scholarships and played volleyball in college in prior years!
Emily Heldenbrand
Gracelyn Laforge
Makenzie Griffel
Madison McClain
Aurora Rodriguez
Madison Wright
Kiernan O'Boyle
Jordyne Reynolds
Laura Rosales
Grace Stumbaugh
Sophie Heldenbrand
Jaihlyn Bratton
Karen Tompkins
Claire Wilson
Rachel Losch
Becca Roepe
Solana Romo
KK Lang
Brianda Taylor
Madai Torres
Alexis Weatherspoon
Ashley Griffin
University of La Verne
Johnson County Community College
Johnson County Community College
Culver-Stockton College
University of Dallas
KCK Community College
University of Missouri S&T
MidAmerica Nazarene University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Central Methodist University
Baker University
Highland College
Wentworth Military Academy
Graceland University
Missouri Western State Univ.
Rockhurst University
Central Methodist University
Wentworth Military Academy
Avila University
Longview Community College
William Penn University
Wentworth Military Academy